Unique Bitcoin Course to Be Launched by Swiss University

2 months ago 90

The University of Applied Sciences successful Business Administration Zurich volition beryllium offering a unsocial Bitcoin people starting successful March 2025, according to a recent report by 20 Minuten, a section media outlet.  

The people is specifically aimed astatine those who privation to integrate Bitcoin into caller concern models. 

The grooming course, which offers 15 ECTS credits, volition outgo a whopping 9,950 francs ($10,794) for conscionable 16 days.  

The people offers a structured modular program that takes into information assorted aspects of the Bitcoin ecosystem. 

It includes basal economical principles down the flagship cryptocurrency arsenic good arsenic an investigation of the cryptocurrency's interaction connected the broader economy. The 2nd portion dissects the method aspects of Bitcoin and blockchain technology. The adjacent portion focuses connected the existent authorities of Bitcoin regularisation arsenic good arsenic compliance issues. The 4th portion takes an in-depth look astatine assorted wealthiness absorption strategies that are specifically tailored for Bitcoin. 


There is besides a comparable investigation of Bitcoin and altcoins. Its purpose is to explicate what makes the largest cryptocurrency basal retired among the plethora of different integer assets. 

Finally, the past portion volition research circumstantial concern models and opportunities offered by Bitcoin. 

The study says that the yet-to-be-launched Bitcoin people is unsocial successful each of Europe. 

Bitcoiners, however, bash not look to beryllium excited. Most commentators person taken contented with the exorbitant terms of the course. One Bitcoin wrote that helium would alternatively put that wealth successful the cryptocurrency portion engaging successful self-teaching. 

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